Mark 1:35-39 | Why We Need Devotion


Each month, I meet with a small group of friends to discuss a chapter or more of a Christian-authored book.

We have read and discussed a variety of non-fiction and fiction Christian-authored books since meeting as a group.

Currently, we are working our way through Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ book, A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God Through a Daily Devotional Life.

A scripture passage that is referenced more than once in DeMoss’ book is Mark 1:35.

But before we consider Mark 1:35 in its context, we need to define devotion.

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How do you recharge?


Several weeks ago, I dealt with some digestive issues stirred by a combination of juggling too many projects, overly rich foods, and some tainted food.

Then I traveled to a conference for my day job while still having concerns about my digestive system.

Upon returning from the conference, I have been operating in “catch up” mode.

Not just at my day job, but also at home and for my writing pursuits.

What do I do to recharge my body, mind, emotions, and spirit to sustain me and overcome stress?

What does this have to do with Bible study?

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Christmas Tree: Part Two


Last week we learned the first verse of the carol O Christmas Tree is celebrating the birth of the Christ child we as Christians are named after.

The tree we use to celebrate this birth by decorating it and singing about reminds us of the loyalty our Heavenly Father has demonstrated by sending Christ.

The color of this tree reinforces our hope in our Heavenly Father who has brought to fulfillment promises made concerning the arrival of the Christ child.

What can we learn from verse two of O Christmas Tree?

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How Have You Been Cut Off?

The rhythms of work, school, and social time have been cut off or significantly altered due to social distancing mandates across the globe in the spring of 2020.

Some like me, have lost loved ones during this time . Sadly, due to travel restrictions we have been cut off from gathering with family and friends to celebrate and honor them in our usual way.

Facing an invisible enemy like Covid-19 that has the power to cut off our sense of normalcy is stirring myriads of feelings and reactions across the globe. Some are struggling with paranoia while others are expressing anger and rebellion.

How should we respond to feeling cut off from our sense of normalcy?

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Processing Heartbreak

What in your life has caused you to experience heartbreak?

As I write this blog post I am waiting for an update on the status of my 99-year-old grandmother who is in her final hours of life on this earth. If things were “normal” across the globe I would have already boarded a plane to travel 1200 some miles to be with her and other family members. But with COVID-19 restrictions in place my family is having to process heartbreak isolated from each other.

Interestingly, this week’s study  involves a call to process heartbreak.

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Names and Their Meaning

What does your name mean?

My first name, Barbara, is the feminine version of the Greek word  barbaros  with  the meaning strange or foreign. Lynn, my middle name, stems from Old English or Gaelic  and was typically used as a surname to indicate a person lived near a lake, waterfall, or some other type of water. When combining them I am a strange or foreign body of water! Giggling…

Biblically the meaning of names is significant in communicating its message to the readers.

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